Microsoft Ignite 2020 – virtual event

As expected, like the other two major conferences concluded this year Microsoft Build (May 2020 – Developer conference) & Microsoft Inspire (July 2020 – Partner conference), Microsoft Ignite 2020 (Tech conference) event is going to be a virtual event which is on the line next.

This is a huge opportunity for everyone to join the conference virtually unlike the in-person conferences. You don’t have to travel, just relax and join virtually from anywhere and importantly at a convenient time of yours.

Register here for the virtual event on 22-24 September 2020.

This is a tech conference from one of the fastest growing tech giant in the digital world so you know what to expect. With so much happening in the three days it’s hard to point out what can you can gain by attending.

Take a look on the full agenda here

A range of sessions are available (E.g Azure, Dynamics 365, Security…) which are really beneficial. Regardless of which sessions you attend, you can get involved with industry experts, partners. Additionally, you can have one-to-one consultations too.

With innovation happening every day at Microsoft, the only way you can get the Intel what’s coming down to the market is be part of Microsoft Tech community and attend Microsoft Ignite event.

This is a good opportunity to explore learning zone and sharpen your skills.

I hope this post helped you with your learning journey. If you got few minutes to spare, take a look on my other blogs as well.

Happy learning!

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